About Us

Our goal is simple, we want to bring you the best quality, most innovative wellness and biohacking products - and make buying them a pleasure!

As wellness fanatics ourselves, we got tired of sites that are impossible to use, incomplete or hard to find product information and a serious lack of transparent shipping costs! Not to mention slow or non-existent customer service.

Which is why we decided to launch My Perfect Oasis. Because improving your health shouldn’t raise your blood pressure!

We pick the highest-quality products to sell and make it easy to find exactly which ones you want. And if you do need to contact us for any reason whatsoever, we’re right here with fast response times and helpful answers.


Thinking about making a purchase and have questions? Made a purchase already and want to check on something? We're always here by phone at (307) 216-3858 or email at salesteam@myperfectoasis.com and we can't wait to hear from you!